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Data Visualization, 3D Poster, 70cm X 150cm, 2019


Major conceptions in four contemporary philosophers’ literature are analyzed by using Word2Vec embedding model to find representing words in vector space where word representations can be measured mathematically. It is a two-layer neural network that is trained to reconstruct linguistic contexts of words in vector space. The model is trained with the literary works of Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, Jean Baudrillard, and Michel Foucault separately. Word-embedding vectors are created for each word in a high-dimensional space. Two-dimensional embedding visualizations are used to compare the density distribution of the words in every author’s writing. Mathematical operations such as addition and subtraction are applied to some of the core conceptions found in each author’s literature. 


Below is the collection of words that the algorithm found between words 'differance' and 'difference' in a model trained with Derrida’s complete literary works. Différance is a term coined by Jacques Derrida and it is one of the central concepts in his deconstruction. The first two words are ‘trace’ and ‘spacing’ which are some of the core concepts that Derrida uses to introduce the non-concept of ‘différance’. “Différance" is the systematic play of differences, of the traces of differences, of the spacing by means of which elements are related to each other.” Jacques Derrida, Positions (1982), p. 21


words_closer_than(w1='differance', w2='difference')
'trace', 'spacing', 'implies', 'alterity', 'detour', 'supplementarity', 'repression' 'Differance','temporalization', 'retention', 'deferring', ''irreducibility', 'alteration', 'ontic', 'temporalizing' revelation', 'undoing',
'dissimulation', 'subordination', 'protention','sublimation', 'tissue', ''processes', 'objectification',
'equivalence', 'temporization', 'difjerance', 'otherness', 'concealment', 'eludes', 'difterance',
'differentiating', 'removes', 'neutralizes', 'deployment', 'dislocates', 'confuses','unmotivated', 'parasitically','nonidentity', 'monumental', 'deferral', 'concluding', 'diffErance', 'restriction', 'referral', 'conjoined', 'pathway', 'diapherein', 'discord', 'deferment', 'spelled', 'originarity', 'breaching', 'negate', 'protowriting','indefiniteness', 'connects', 'differant', 'ordering', 'irreparable', 'indissociability', 'indecision', ','diversion', 'consign', 'interchangeable', 'Ideal', 'recaptured', 'nonproduction', 'amorphous', 'discernibility','neographism' 'symptomatology', 'energetics', 'relay', 'edged', 'arrests', 'resisting', 'Curiously', 'subsumed','retaining', 'supplanting', 'absences', 'temporizing', 'tolerates', 'nonideal','dynamically', 'nonsimple', 'diverted','foreignness', 'plurivocity','disjuncture', ‘'technicity','fantastics', 'cleavage', 'ecart', 'terity', 'finiteness','perseverence', 'polemos', 'vestigial', 'tem', 'adiaphoristic','diastem', 'Nachtraglichkeit', 'Heraclitean', 'diapheron', 'friihe', 'countersign', 'economie', 'perennial','unmonotonous', 'resident', 'espacement', 'occulted', 'discreteness', 'strategem', 'aiterity', 'rantielle',Grammato', z'annulation', 'interiorizationidealization'

Examples of extraction operations between words:

['subjectivity'] - ['truth'] = 'Newtonian', 'relativity', 'biological', 'phenomenological', 'sphere'
['Oedipus'] - 'Freud'] = 'Anti', 'Bitterness', 'phantoms', 'liquidation', 'sliding'
[‘analysis'] - ['logic'] = 'excellent', 'detailed', 'Masson', 'phantasize', 'tolerant'
['psychoanalysis'] - ['truth'] = 'Freud', 'Lacanian', 'plateau', 'Oedipal', 'Tuareg', 'unconscious'

['schizoanalysis'] - ['psychoanalysis'] = 'radical’, 'crystalline', 'holes', 'Kandinsky', 'generative', 'consolidate'

['machine'] - ['automaton'] = 'literature',' Science',' ‘grammatology', 'trans', 'culture', 'Freudian’

['truth'] - ['justice'] = 'procedures', 'subject', knowledge', 'possibility', 'transcendental'

['madness'] - ['crime'] = 'unreason', 'Descartes', 'Goya', 'melancholia', 'dreams'

['perversity'] - ['puerility'] = 'beasts', 'debauchery', 'deaths', 'wicked', 'transgressions'

['normal'] - ['pathological'] = 'parrhesiastic', 'slave', 'judge', 'seduction', 'demented'

['orgy'] - ['pleasure'] = 'poetical', 'Solitary', 'licked', 'allegory', 'brochure'

['labor'] -['value'] = 'useful', 'qualitative', 'Consumer', 'communist', 'patriarchal'

['reality'] - ['real'] = 'principle', 'illusion', 'conjunction', 'labyrinth', 'reality'

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